Ready to take the Pledge?

The Pledge of the Computing Professional is an organization to promote the notion of computing as a recognized profession at the time of graduation for students in computer science and other computing-related programs. The Pledge is modeled after the Order of the Engineer – a long-standing rite-of-passage for graduates from engineering programs. The Pledge of the Computing Professional is solely intended to promote and recognize the ethical and moral behavior of graduates of computing-related degree programs as they transition to careers of service to society.
The Pledge of the Computing Professional entails a rite-of-passage ceremony for graduates from computing programs. This rite-of-passage ceremony dovetails nicely with existing Order of the Engineer ceremonies for colleges that have both engineering and computing degree programs. The rite-of-passage ceremony is conducted by Nodes (that is, chapters) at institutions throughout the USA (with plans to expand internationally). The Pledge of the Computing Professional has been endorsed by the Order of the Engineer, the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society (ACM SIGCAS), and by the ACM Committee on Professional Ethics (ACM COPE) [fullEndorsementFromCOPE]
The Pledge of the Computing Professional was formed in 2011. In 2023 over 60 universities have a node and offer a ceremony to students from their computing degree programs.
For further information about The Pledge of the Computing Professional contact Ken Christensen ( or John K. Estell (
© 2011-2024. The Pledge of the Computing Professional. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization