
List of current publications about the organization


The Pledge of the Computing Professional: Recognizing and Promoting Ethics in the Computing Professions. SIGCAS Computers & Society. Vol 42. sigcasNewsletter

The need for a new graduation rite of passage. Communications of the ACM 54, 2 (February 2011), 113-115. p113-estell


The Pledge of the Computing Professional was discussed in the 29 Feb 2012 meeting of SIGCAS. A PDF version of the slide presentation is available. sigcasTalk

Podcast Episode

The Pledge of the Computing Professional was discussed on the 10 May 2014 episode of Architectural Concepts Podcast (Serving up fresh software architecture concepts weekly). Listen to or download the episode at

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© 2011-2024. The Pledge of the Computing Professional. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization